ÖZKA Tyre, which is among the industrial giants of Turkey thanks to its prominent production in the agricultural and construction machinery tyres sector and is in the global arena with its strong export structure, met its visitors at The Tire Cologne International Tyre Industry Fair in Cologne, Germany. Displaying its innovative and visionary perspective with extraordinary activities at every step from production to sales & marketing activities in its sector, ÖZKA Tyre surprised everyone with its extraordinary film prepared with CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) technology for The Tire Cologne Fair.


Bringing together the relationship between art and product in all communication strategies with the motto “The Art of Moving Forward”, ÖZKA Tyre has created an exciting content outside of traditional advertising models by using the technological opportunities. The brand, which exhibited its innovative, technological and sustainable products at The Tire Cologne 2024 fair, managed to distinguish itself from its competitors by creating a visual difference with the video they explained that they came to Cologne to participate in the fair, especially during the fair process where the intensive use of advertising and competition were high. The film opens with a scene where a large cargo helicopter painted in the corporate color of the brand takes a giant tyre from the factory, flies over successfully on Cologne and finally ambitiously lands at the Cologne airport. In the 36-second film, reference is made to the ability of the brand’s size, technology, production power and the ability to reach every location of the world quickly, and a strong message is delivered about the fact that it takes part in the fair with its innovative products.


We also display the difference we make with our technological products thanks to our marketing strategies.

At The Tire Cologne, which is one of the largest tyre fairs in Europe and the world where the giant brands of the sector gather, ÖZKA Tyre hosted its visitors by taking part with both of its brands: ÖZKA and GTK. “While exhibiting our sustainable products developed with the latest technology and innovative perspective at The Tire Cologne, we also exhibited our strengths with the marketing and communication activities we prepared with the same perspective,” said ÖZKA Tyres Marketing and Business Development Director Hamide Eravcı Pulat, and added: “Our film, which we prepared with the motto “We Landed in Cologne”, was uploaded in digital channels to attract visitors to the fair. Our goal was to go beyond the ordinary in order to benefit from the power of technology and the possibility of accessing much more people than traditional methods. For this, we used CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) technology, which revolutionizes various areas of visual media and provides unlimited creativity in content creation.” At The Tire Cologne welcoming numerous participants and thousands of visitors from the tyre industry, ÖZKA Tyre also hosted an extraordinary event with its e-motiv event that enables the tyre to move with the power of mind. Awards were also presented and ÖZKA Tyre stand attracted great attention during the event.




ÖZKA Tyre is on its way to becoming a global brand with its production power and export network.

ÖZKA Tyre, which produces in the agricultural and industrial tyre categories with its R&D Center, strong production infrastructure and wide product range, has a strong place in the Turkish economy by producing 220 tons per day and approximately 1.5 million units per year in 3 separate factories on an area of 200,000 m2 in Kocaeli. Exporting 70% of its production to more than 90 countries, the company maintains its determined growth in countries such as Brazil and Mexico in the American market as well as in Europe, which stands out with the use of technology in agriculture. It offers a wide range of products with conventional and radial options with radial tractor, tractor front, tractor rear, harvester, implement equipment, forestry, flotation, radial flotation in agricultural tyre category as well as radial EM, industrial EM, forklift, road construction machinery product groups in industrial tyre category. ÖZKA Tyre, which is on the way to becoming a global brand with its production strength and export network, once again exhibited its success in the field of new technology development in the global arena with AGROLOX-S, AGRIGOR20 NTR and VF products, which it developed as a result of R&D works focusing on innovation and sustainability and introduced for the first time at the fair.


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